2018 年 6 月22 日讲座信息

现邀请美国马里兰大学土木与环境工程系的Paul M.  Schonfeld教授来本站进行学术报告,欢迎各位感兴趣的老师及同学踊跃参加。

讲座时间:2018  6 22 日上午 9:30-12:00


主题:Integration of  Multi-modal Public Transportation Systems


讲座摘要和Paul M.  Schonfeld教授简介如下:


Some  opportunities and benefits of integrating conventional and flexible-route  services will be discussed, including the following:

1.  Conventional services (with fixed routes and schedules) and Dial-A-Ride (DAR)  paratransit services (with flexible routes and schedules) offer a spectrum of  service types with various combinations of service quality, capacity and cost.  Normally, conventional services must acquire sufficient vehicles and drivers for  peak period requirements, but these are largely wasted at most other times. By  switching vehicles and drivers to different types of services as demand changes  cyclically over time, we may offer more responsive door-to-door services during  off-peak periods and transform the excess capacity of conventional services into  a range of DAR services with lower capacity but higher quality.

2. By  providing services of higher quality during off-peak periods, some users can be  diverted from peak periods, thus reducing total resource requirements and  congestion effects. Such beneficial diversion as well as other efficiencies may  be further promoted with reservations, incentives and pricing options.  

3. By  using DAR services to concentrate passengers on conventional services rather  than just compete with or substitute for them we can bring each service type  closer to its ideal operating conditions.

4.  Further synergies of integration may be sought in coordinating the arrivals of  vehicles at transfer stations through efficient routing, scheduling, slack time  in schedules, real-time dispatching decisions at transfer stations, and traffic  signal control.


Short  bio

Dr. Paul  M. Schonfeld has been a Professor in the University of Maryland, College Park  since 1993. Dr. Paul obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Doctoral degree in University of  California, Berkeley. He has been conducting research on Urban Public  Transportation Systems, Transportation Systems Analysis, Maintenance Planning  and Scheduling, Air Transportation, and Freight Logistics. About 40 years’ rich  experience with transportation engineering has been accumulated. Dr. Paul took  in charge of multiple projects about ‘Flexibility and Responsiveness in Public  Transportation Systems’, ‘Integration of Conventional Transit and Paratransit  Services’, and ‘Integration of Multi-modal Transportation Services’ in recent  years. He has published well over 150 SCI papers, and 7 monographs. The academic  achievements were widely recognized and practiced.